My Books

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366 Tales: Stories Year Round

A collection of 1-page stories, spanning the spectrum of genres–funny, heart-warming, bone-chilling, thought-provoking, and just plain weird! Something for everyone. $20.00

The Doll Collection: Volume Two

Oh, yes, there’s more! More dolls, more marionettes, more automatons; creepier, weirder, and darker than volume one! If you enjoyed the other stories, I think you’ll enjoy these as well. If you haven’t read either, why not pick up both? Readable in any order, and sure to induce nightmarish inspiration. Illustrated by Felix Eddy-McLain. $17.00

The Doll Collection: Volume One

This is the first of at least FOUR volumes of short stories, each one referring to, involving, or alluding to dolls, automatons, or marionettes. This illustrated collection includes tales both heartwarming and heartbreaking , terrifying and humorous. A little bit Twilight Zone, a little bit of Hitchcock, and a whole lot of bizarre!  Illustrated by Felix Eddy-McLain. $17.00


The Case Files:

EmpressCover4matEmpress Irukandji: The Case of Charlotte Sloane

Charlotte Sloane has amnesia. In an ordinary world, this would not be a problem, but in her Victorian life as a doctor, things start to get a little strange when she finds that someone has poisoned her. With her only friend–Matthew Sterling–at her side, Charlotte finds that her world as she thought she knew it, is no longer safe. She must flee her home in London, trust the only person she thinks she knows well, and quickly begin to unravel the mysteries of her past before her unseen enemies catch up with her. By train, by ship, by elephant and by zeppelin, Doctor Sloane finds herself transported to the Middle East, where new and surmounting dangers await. Book One in The Case Files Series. $20.00


Lord Spencer: The Case of Matthew Sterling

Meeting young Aya Hauke was enough of a fortunate happenstance for Matthew Sterling. But when he introduces Professor Sterling to the Czar’s mysterious and beautiful daughter by way of a very special commission, the astounding surprises quickly multiply. The once quiet life of this Professor of Sciences and Engineering will never be the same. Book Two in The Case Files Series. $22.00


Captain Hauke: The Case of Leslie F. Hunt

One drunken night of aimless wandering was all it took to steer Leslie F. Hunt’s life in a direction he never imagined he’d be a part of. Paired up with a captivating young woman, Leslie learns trial by fire of what it’s like to bring swift justice to those his partner singles out for their crimes. Book Three of The Case Files series: Fall deeper into the past. $25.00

Her Majesty: The Case of Alexandrina Victoria

Her Majesty doesn’t have time for marriage and is perfectly content to rule Britannia on her own. Torn between hating her past and wanting to cling to it, a thrust-upon series of unforeseen events leaves her no choice but to reconcile with someone who sorely reminds her of the one person she’d like most to forget. Book Four of The Case Files series: Because every ending is a new beginning…whether the heart likes it or not. $20.00

Darling Orphan: The Case of Lucy Stewart

Lucy Stewart couldn’t care less about her life having gone from rags to riches. With her secret induction to The Legion at the tender age of seven, aggressive combat training, would travel, and rare companionships with those willing to show her the way, an ordinary life as an orphan-turned-aristocrat pales in comparison. It isn’t al camaraderie, however, as Lucy learns though trial after trial of the heart that her best interests are not shared with everyone around her.  Book 5 in The Case Files series. Sometimes the best yet to come must span an entire lifetime…or two. $24.00

Tales of Fur and Fang:


By Blood, By Moon

Stolen away from her home, her life and all she knew by a trio of Vampyres, Elena thought nothing could come of it but her own untimely death… But their acquisition of her has great purpose and without it could mean facing deaths of their own–some perhaps well deserved…Sparks of passion, fear and anger ignite as William, Elena’s would-be hero, tracks and tries to free her from the greedy and vicious, imprisoning embrace of an envious Vampyre lover–for the sake of pulling her into the safety of his own. But William has other complications in keeping his beloved, for his condition as a Lycan is greatly feared by the gracious Vampyre population that covets his precious Elena: A threat thought far more dangerous, for she cannot resist the intrigue, the sight, or even the very idea of him. $16.00


By Heart, By Sun

Set at the dawning of World War 2, humans have begun to disappear. Some come back, some do not. Madelyn Bryce is one such person who is chosen to take a train to an undisclosed location, but her upcoming death is not the sort she was expecting. While humankind is at the brink of turmoil, the Vampyres have their own troubles–it is rumored that the detestable species known as Lycans has been one-upped by a new problem breed: Hybrids that are both Vampyres and Lycans. Not all Vampyres agree that such abominations should be done away with and they seek to keep them safe from the disapproving Councils. $20.00

The Twins Trilogy:


The Inter-Twinning

Unknown to one another, four unrelated sets of twins are born, and are later brought together by way of eight mysterious invitations. They quickly find themselves paired up with a stranger among themselves and must conquer a labyrinth unlike any other–or have it conquer them. Before it is all over, they will find that they have far more in common with one another than just merely being twins. Book One in The Twins Trilogy. $17.00


The Labyrinth of Empty

The four sets of twins from The Inter-Twinning are in for a surprise when they all realize just where the “ending” courtyard to the labyrinth has landed them instead. Book Two in The Twins Trilogy. $17.00

The Open Book

The final installation to the Twins Trilogy! Join Aubrey and Audrey, Seamus and Ianto, Bonnie and Beau, Gabriel and Georgina as they return to the Labyrinth. This time, they are not alone…Perhaps they never were. $17.00



Set in the year 4117 P.H. (Post Human): Despite their drastic societal and biological differences, peace has reigned between the Melisites, the Kunvaks, the Muuns, the Hunans, and the Drugans for over two thousand years~since the extinction of humankind. But this time of peace has not been without tension. One simple resource remains coveted by the Melisites~the precious Starbright~for the safety of the Kunvaks, and in turn, for the well being of all. It is only when one Melisite and one Kunvak cross one another’s paths that sinister motives are revealed, forbidden curiosities tip the scales of what was and what will be, and vows of loyalty between the species begin to shift. War is inevitable~but is it enough to restore peace once again? $15.00

frontcover copy

Awakening Alice ~*~ A Ticket for Patience

Our heroine Alice is back for more in the odd world of Wonderland. New faces, both friendly and frightening, follow her beyond the rabbit hole…Meet Patience and her entourage of companions, and join them in a black and white world where things are not what they seem. (Illustrated) $20.00

In the Clothing of Wolves

What if you knew more than you thought you did? Imagine awakening in a land where everything is familiar to you, and yet you have no idea where you are~ every face carries memories that you cannot touch and every touch, a memory that you cannot place… Violet is in such a world. One peaceful night outside of a Hungarian cottage, one beautiful and daring wolf ~ one second of contact ~ is enough to turn what she believes of her life inside out. $13.00

Blood Mettle

Set in modern time, Vampyres are not the beings that Hollywood has made them out to be. Some are better, some are worse. For those unsuspecting, there are far worse things to have taken than your blood. $10.00


The Quad

“Welcome to Newmerica–You are privileged to be here.” Originally written as a form of anger management, this dystopian tale has become the unfortunate truth of a “what could be” cautionary tale, to a “too close to home” survival manual. The reality of The Quad is coming, my friends. Are we ready for it? $23.00


A Potagerie of Rejects

This is an anthology of sorts–a collection of bad drawings, even worse poetry, loosely ended stories, bits, pieces, the lost, the rejected, the unfinished, and the unwanted. I thought they should exist outside of my filing cabinet, so why not share them? $13.00


Woven Dreams (or A Spider’s Tea)

Welcome to Woven Dreams (or A Spider’s Tea)! Let yourself be caught in the web of these eight witty, whimsical and sometimes wary and wayward tales…Perfect for tea time, bedtime and any other time! Dreamed and written by me, and beautifully illustrated by Dame Darcy. $8.00