Off to Shore Leave. But first, an update…

And a pretty exciting update, as far as writing is concerned! A few days ago, I finished the first draft to Her Majesty. It’s about 40 pages shy of what I was going for, but I know there will be a lot to add when I do my first read through, so I expect that it will get at least a bit closer. If it doesn’t that’s okay. A story is as long as a story needs to be–Captain Hauke taught me that! So now I have two short stories and two novels to edit and whip into shape. I did start the process on Played earlier this week, and man–does it need some work! I found some sentences (okay, more than some) that were written as notes and never converted into “story” form. Yikes! They haven’t been difficult to fix, fortunately, but I had thought I’d caught all of those–guess not! Well, better to find them now, than after shipping it off to my editors. A few days ago also saw the start of a new short story. I had been trying to put it off until I could get some of these first drafts into the next phase, but I was caught between appointments with nothing else to do or work on, for about an hour. So, what’s a writer to do, but write! It’s about a page and a third at the moment, so it’s not like I’m into the full swing of it yet, and that’s good. I did get back into handwriting and I’m glad for that. I prefer it over typing any day, but all of the pieces I’ve just recently finished were already partly typed, and it’s just more convenient to continue that way. Still not at all my preference by a long shot. Maybe this new story will get to be completely handwritten. That ought to be good for a hand cramp or twelve, and I’m okay with that!

So I’m waiting for 1pm to come around (that’s in about an hour) so I can leave for the show. It won’t take me heaps of time to get there (in theory), so there’s no major reason to rush and then just sit around. As it is, check in isn’t until 3, and it’s not always possible to get into a room right away. I wonder how close I’ll actually get to 1 o’clock before I just can’t stand it anymore and off I go…I give myself 25 minutes before the mega dose of impatience kicks in. Sounds about right!