Far Point schedule, etc.

First things first:
My Far Point schedule is thus:

Friday at 4pm: I will be speaking on a panel about killing off characters. I believe the panel is called “But I liked that guy!!” I speak on this one every year and it continues to be one of my favorite writing topics.

Friday at 5pm: I will be in one of the bigger rooms to sign books and talk to anyone who might come by to say hello.

Saturday at 10am: I am speaking on a panel about publishing in 2017.

Saturday at 3pm: I am doing a reading, though of what, I haven’t yet decided…

Sunday at 10am: I am speaking on a panel called “Beyond the female sidekick”. Another one I’ve done before and enjoy.

Sunday at 11am: I am speaking on a panel called “Music behind the authors”. I’m pretty excited about this one and it’s new this year.

Sunday at Noon: I will be in one of the bigger rooms to sign books and talk to anyone who might come by to say hello.

Sunday at 1pm: I am speaking on a panel called”Literature in a post-lit world”. Also a new one, at least for me. Should be interesting.

Other news: Continued poking along on Starbright (working title). I think it’s up to about 197 pages, or thereabouts. I still don’t know how to wrap up the ending on this one, so that may be my delay. On the upside, I keep thinking of awesome historical details to work in throughout the rest of the book. I am also stumped on what to do for the cover. I have absolutely no means to pay an artist, so I have been toying with the idea of doing the cover myself. Maybe a pastel drawing…At least I still have my pastels. I knew there was a reason I never got rid of them. I am not settled on that idea, but it’s what I have at the moment.

I fell off of the ‘dream book’ wagon again and just haven’t had a chance to record my dreams for the past week. They haven’t been much of a thrill ride, so no loss, but it does more or less end the idea of 365 Dreams as a book of consecutive nightly visions. Sorry. I’ll keep recording them as I do have time, and maybe I can get individual novels off of them. I’m okay with this.